Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

Through its Social Responsibility Policy, Seth ensures compliance with various legal, social and moral commitments towards its employees, customers and society in general.

In decision-taking there is a constant concern for the community and future generations, respect for human rights, investment in personal development, environmental protection, compliance with social norms and respect for the ethical values and principles of our society.

Seth intends, within the construction industry, to improve competitiveness and profitability in a sustainable way, using the appropriate human, technological and natural resources.

Read our Code of
Social Responsibility - Seth Portugal

Respect for the Environment

SETH is proud to have implemented eco-efficiency measures at its head office. From the outset it was assumed that the protection and conservation of the environment was a concern, not only for the need to meet the requirements of applicable legislation but also one that called for an effort to apply the principles of sustainable development.

To this end, all employees are committed to fulfilment of the Environmental Policy and of the rules established in the Environmental Management System implemented.

Supporting Community

Through its sponsorship at various levels Seth has long made donations to various institutions engaged in humanitarian and solidarity activities at home and abroad. For the company this sponsorship is not only for the short-term purpose of image or financial return, but is mainly put into practice with the clear understanding that it serves the needs of civil society.

